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Best Places to Stargaze Near Los Angeles

Hello everyone, Nathan Derry here, your trusted Realtor at JohnHart. While I specialize in homes on the West Side, Culver City, and Mar Vista, today I want to take you on a celestial journey. Let's explore some of the best places to stargaze near Los Angeles. Whether you’re looking for a romantic date night idea or just a serene escape from the city lights, these spots offer breat...

Trader Joe's Dinner Hacks

Hello everyone, Nathan Derry here! If you're anything like me, you love discovering quick, delicious, and cost-effective dinner options. That's why I often find myself browsing the aisles of Trader Joe's. Their unique and diverse range of products makes it easy to whip up a fantastic meal in no time. Here are some of my favorite Trader Joe's dinner hacks that you can try at ...

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Ensuring Pet Toy Safety

Hello everyone, Nathan Derry here with JohnHart Real Estate. While my primary focus is on helping you find the perfect home, today I want to discuss an important topic that ensures the safety and well-being of our furry friends: pet toy safety. Choosing the right toys for your pets is crucial to their health and happiness. In this blog, we’ll explore what toys to avoid and provide tip...

Understanding Seasonal Allergies

Hello everyone, Nathan Derry here with JohnHart Real Estate. Today, I want to discuss a topic that affects many of us: seasonal allergies. Having moved to California about a decade ago, I was relieved to escape the extreme allergies I suffered back home, in Texas. However, over the years, I’ve found myself once again grappling with seasonal allergies. Let's explore why this happen...

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Celebrating July 4th

Hello everyone! I'm Nathan Derry, a Realtor with JohnHart Real Estate. Today, I want to step away from real estate and talk about something deeply meaningful to many Americans: the celebration of July 4th. As a Black male, this day holds a unique significance, representing not just the birth of a nation but also the ongoing journey towards true freedom and equality for all its citizens....

The Importance of Men Going to the Doctor

Hello everyone, Nathan Derry here with JohnHart Real Estate. Today, I want to touch on an important topic that extends beyond real estate – men's health. Men notoriously avoid doctor visits, often waiting too long or too late to address health concerns. Understanding why this happens and the importance of regular medical check-ups is vital, especially for middle-aged and aging fat...

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The History of Pigeons: From Ancient Messengers to Modern Technology

Hello, I'm Nathan Derry with JohnHart Real Estate. Today, let's explore an intriguing aspect of history—pigeons. These birds have an incredible backstory, playing a significant role in communication long before the advent of modern technology. We'll delve into their origins, domestication, and their crucial role as messengers, and even compare their historical significance...

Buyer Beware!

Hello everyone, Nathan Derry here from JohnHart Real Estate. Today, I'm switching gears (pun intended) to share some valuable tips on how to get the most out of every gallon when you fill up your car. With fuel prices always on the move, knowing these tricks can save you money and help your car run more efficiently. Let's dive in! Time Your Fill-Ups Wisely Early Morning Ad...

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Jefferson Park Real Estate Update: Absorption Rate and New California Law AB12

Hello everyone, I'm Nathan Derry, your trusted Realtor with JohnHart Real Estate. Today, let's dive into the latest real estate trends for Jefferson Park, 90018, and discuss the implications of the new California law AB12 for investors. June 2024 Market Overview For the month of June 2024, Jefferson Park, 90018, had an absorption rate of 32%. This indicates a moderately ac...

Mid City Real Estate Update: Absorption Rate and New California Law AB12

Hello everyone, I'm Nathan Derry, your trusted Realtor with JohnHart Real Estate. Today, let's explore the latest real estate trends for Mid City, 90019, and discuss the implications of the new California law AB12 for investors. June 2024 Market Overview For the month of June 2024, Mid City, 90019, had an absorption rate of 32%, indicating a moderately active market with a...