A white male working out with a rope.

Hello everyone, Nathan Derry here with JohnHart Real Estate. Today, I want to touch on an important topic that extends beyond real estate – men's health. Men notoriously avoid doctor visits, often waiting too long or too late to address health concerns. Understanding why this happens and the importance of regular medical check-ups is vital, especially for middle-aged and aging fathers, uncles, brothers, and cousins.

Why Do Men Wait Too Long to See a Doctor?

An elderly man getting a check up from a doctor

There are several reasons why men might delay or avoid going to the doctor:

  1. Cultural Norms and Masculinity: Many men grow up with the idea that they should be strong and self-reliant. Admitting to health issues can feel like admitting to weakness, which conflicts with societal expectations of masculinity.

  2. Fear and Denial: Fear of bad news or a serious diagnosis can deter men from seeking medical help. There’s also a tendency to deny or minimize symptoms, thinking they will resolve on their own.

  3. Lack of Time: Busy work schedules and family responsibilities can make it difficult for men to prioritize their own health.

  4. Perceived Invincibility: Especially in younger men, there is often a belief that they are invincible and not susceptible to health issues that affect others.

The Importance of Regular Check-Ups

A black male doctor having a stern conversation with his black male patient

Regular doctor visits are crucial for several reasons:

  1. Early Detection: Many serious health conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer, can be managed more effectively if detected early.

  2. Preventative Care: Doctors can provide vaccinations, screenings, and advice on healthy lifestyle choices that can prevent disease before it starts.

  3. Chronic Disease Management: For those with existing health conditions, regular check-ups are essential for managing symptoms and preventing complications.

  4. Mental Health: Regular visits to the doctor can also address mental health issues. Men are less likely to seek help for mental health problems, which can lead to severe consequences.

Why It's Important to Check on Middle-Aged and Aging Men

As men age, the risk of health issues increases. Checking on middle-aged and aging fathers, uncles, brothers, and cousins can help ensure they are maintaining their health. Here’s why it’s important:

  1. Increased Risk of Disease: The risk of diseases such as prostate cancer, heart disease, and diabetes increases with age. Regular check-ups can help detect these conditions early.

  2. Mental Health Awareness: Aging men may struggle with mental health issues such as depression or anxiety, especially if they are facing retirement or loss of social connections.

  3. Encouragement and Support: Family members can provide the encouragement and support needed to overcome the barriers to seeking medical help.

Tips for Encouraging Men to See the Doctor

  1. Start the Conversation: Talk openly about the importance of health and regular check-ups. Share personal experiences or stories of others who have benefited from early detection and treatment.

  2. Offer to Help: Sometimes the logistics of making an appointment can be a hurdle. Offer to help schedule appointments or accompany them to the doctor.

  3. Provide Information: Educate them on the specific health risks they face and the benefits of preventative care.

  4. Lead by Example: If you regularly visit the doctor and prioritize your health, it can set a positive example.

A man laying on the floor stretching

Men's health is a critical issue that requires attention and action. By understanding why men often avoid the doctor and the importance of regular check-ups, we can help encourage the men in our lives to take their health seriously. Regular medical visits can lead to early detection, preventative care, and better management of chronic conditions, ultimately improving quality of life and longevity.

Stay healthy and take care of each other!


All the best,

Nathan Derry, JohnHart Real Estate

A photo of California Realtor, Nathan Derry


Nathan Derry

Nathan Derry

JohnHart Real Estate

DRE - 02140158
Direct - 424.303.0440, Office - 818.246.1099

Contact Nathan Today!