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Understanding California Proposition 19: A Game Changer for Home Buyers, Sellers, and Generational Wealth

As we approach September 19th, it’s important to take a moment to recognize the lasting impact of California Proposition 19 (Prop 19) on the real estate landscape. Whether you're buying or selling a home, or thinking about how your property might contribute to generational wealth, Prop 19 could open new opportunities for you. Hi, I’m Nathan Derry with JohnHart Real Estate...

How to Address Hoarding Neighbors: What Homeowners Should Know in Los Angeles

  I’m Nathan Derry with JohnHart Real Estate, and today I want to address a sensitive yet important issue that can affect homeowners: dealing with a hoarding neighbor. While it’s easy to sympathize with someone who struggles with hoarding, the reality is that it can have serious consequences on the safety, cleanliness, and property values of the surrounding homes. If you...

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International Day of Sign Languages: A Personal Reflection and the Power of Signing

As we celebrate the International Day of Sign Languages, I can’t help but reflect on a memory from my middle school days. I learned to sign the song "Love In Any Language" by Sandi Patty, a beautiful song with a message of unity and understanding that resonates deeply with me to this day. I still remember how to sign that song, and it’s something I treasure—espec...

Men's Health: The Importance of Annual Checkups and Navigating Age-Related Changes

As men grow older, the importance of regular health checkups becomes increasingly vital. Studies have shown that men experience significant physiological changes around the ages of 44 and 60, making these periods crucial times for preventative healthcare. Let's dive into why these checkups are essential, what age-related changes men can expect, and how to advocate for better health thro...

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National Lobster Day: My Lobster Roll Awakening

Hey everyone, Nathan Derry here from JohnHart Real Estate, and today, we’re taking a slight detour from the real estate world to celebrate something near and dear to my stomach—National Lobster Day! Now, I’ll admit, for a long time, I didn’t get the hype around lobster rolls. Lobster? Sure. Rolls? Definitely. But together? A rich burger??? How does that work? Then...

What You Need to Know About Dog Adoption Agencies: True Practices and Red Flags

Adopting a dog is one of the most rewarding experiences, but choosing the right adoption agency is crucial. Not all agencies are created equal, and it's important to do your research to make sure you're working with a legitimate and ethical organization. So how are these agencies run? Are they governed by any authority, and what should you look for when selecting an adoption agency?...

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The Crenshaw Parakeets: Urban Legends, Colorful Flocks, and Can You Keep One as a Pet?

Los Angeles is famous for many things—Hollywood, sunshine, and traffic, to name a few. But if you’ve ever strolled through the Crenshaw district or nearby neighborhoods, you may have noticed a noisy, vibrant flock of green parakeets flying above. Yes, the Crenshaw Parakeets are real, not an illusion from a mid-afternoon daydream, and their story is just as wild as the city they ...

Shrinkflation: The Sneaky Price Hike That’s Hitting Your Wallet

You’ve probably noticed that your favorite bag of chips isn’t as full as it used to be, or maybe your cereal box seems a little lighter. No, you’re not imagining it, and it’s not some weird fluke of physics. Welcome to the world of shrinkflation, a stealthy tactic that’s slowly but surely impacting how we shop—and what’s left in our wallets. What...

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Why Pet Owners Might Just Be the Best Homeowners (and Renters) You’ll Ever Have

When you hear "pet owner," your mind might flash to fur-covered couches, scratched floors, or the occasional chewed-up shoe. But if you’re a homeowner or landlord, there’s something you might not expect: pet owners actually take better care of their homes than you think—often even better than people without pets or kids. Why? Because for pet owners, home is not j...

Why Insects Prefer Natural Sugars: Do They Know Something We Don’t?

Hey everyone, it’s Nathan Derry here, taking a break from the world of real estate to talk about something just as important—what we’re putting into our bodies. You’ve probably noticed how bees and ants tend to swarm around a spilled soda or a ripe piece of fruit, but they seem less interested in anything artificially sweetened. Have you ever wondered why that is? Do...