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National Grandparents Day: A Time to Celebrate Tradition and Create New Memories

Hi everyone, Nathan Derry with JohnHart Real Estate here. As National Grandparents Day approaches, I can't help but reflect on the incredible impact our grandparents have on our lives. I was lucky enough to grow up knowing all four of my grandparents well into my mid-20s, and the memories I created with them will stay with me forever. But if I’m being honest, there's one grand...

Friday the 13th: The Case of the Disappearing Blog Post!

Where did this come from? I had a perfectly written blog post all set for today. It was a masterpiece—well, at least in my mind. And when I went to do some final edits, it was mysteriously missing! Gone. Vanished. Like it packed its bags and moved to another dimension. What are the odds? Let me point out... I don’t believe in superstitions. Black cats? Pfft, cute pets! W...

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The Buzz on Mosquito Sprays: How Effective Are They?

Mosquitoes can quickly turn a peaceful outdoor gathering into an itchy nightmare. So, how do mosquito sprays hold up in the battle? Are they safe for your skin and the environment? And what should you use for your little ones? How Effective Are Mosquito Sprays? Mosquito sprays, especially those containing DEET and picaridin, are known for their effectiveness. DEET, in particular, ...

The Retail Apocalypse: Is Amazon Taking Over?

Over the past few years, an unsettling trend has emerged—retail stores are closing their doors at an alarming rate. From small local businesses to iconic department stores, brick-and-mortar shops are struggling to keep up with the rapid shift toward online shopping. What’s driving this change? Is Amazon taking over, and are we moving toward a future where shopping happens entire...

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Understanding California Proposition 19: A Game Changer for Home Buyers, Sellers, and Generational Wealth

As we approach September 19th, it’s important to take a moment to recognize the lasting impact of California Proposition 19 (Prop 19) on the real estate landscape. Whether you're buying or selling a home, or thinking about how your property might contribute to generational wealth, Prop 19 could open new opportunities for you. Hi, I’m Nathan Derry with JohnHart Real Estate...

August 2024 Market Analysis: Mid City, 90019

I’m Nathan Derry, your trusted Realtor for Mid City, 90019. As we continue through the year, it’s important to keep an eye on the shifting dynamics of our local real estate market. August 2024 has provided us with some interesting insights that reflect a possible cooling down in the Mid City area. Let's break down the numbers and explore what they mean for both buyers and se...

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August 2024 Market Analysis: Jefferson Park, 90018

I’m Nathan Derry, your local Realtor for the historic Jefferson Park neighborhood, 90018. The real estate market in this area continues to offer exciting opportunities, and today I’m breaking down the key trends for August 2024. Whether you’re looking to buy, sell, or simply stay informed, this information will help you better understand the current landscape. Absorptio...

August 2024 Market Analysis: West Adams, 90016

I’m Nathan Derry, your trusted Realtor for the West Adams area, 90016. As we move through 2024, I’d like to provide an overview of the latest real estate market trends in this vibrant neighborhood. August 2024 brought some interesting developments, and it's essential to understand these trends whether you're buying, selling, or just keeping an eye on the market. Absor...

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International Day of Sign Languages: A Personal Reflection and the Power of Signing

As we celebrate the International Day of Sign Languages, I can’t help but reflect on a memory from my middle school days. I learned to sign the song "Love In Any Language" by Sandi Patty, a beautiful song with a message of unity and understanding that resonates deeply with me to this day. I still remember how to sign that song, and it’s something I treasure—espec...