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Understanding Seasonal Allergies

Hello everyone, Nathan Derry here with JohnHart Real Estate. Today, I want to discuss a topic that affects many of us: seasonal allergies. Having moved to California about a decade ago, I was relieved to escape the extreme allergies I suffered back home, in Texas. However, over the years, I’ve found myself once again grappling with seasonal allergies. Let's explore why this happen...

The Mystery of Eye Floaters: What Are Those Little Worm-Shaped Things?

Hello, I'm Nathan Derry. Have you ever noticed those weird little worm-shaped things that float around in your vision? They're called eye floaters, and while they can be a bit disconcerting, they're usually harmless. Let's dive into the world of floaters and find out what causes them, whether they're dangerous, and what you can do about them. What Are Eye Floaters? ...