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Unmasking Zillow Estimates

Hey there, savvy home seekers and sellers! Nathan Derry, your trusted Realtor, dropping in to shed some light on a topic that's been buzzing around the real estate hive: Zillow estimates. Sure, online tools like Zillow can be a quick fix for a curious mind, but let me tell you, relying solely on those numbers is like navigating a maze blindfolded. Here's why: 1. The Algorithm ...

Unveiling the Vibrant Real Estate Scene in Palms, 90034

Hello, residents and Real Estate enthusiasts! Nathan Derry here, your trusted Realtor, ready to dive into the bustling Real Estate market of Palms for March 2024. Let's explore the numbers and why having a knowledgeable Realtor by your side is crucial in this dynamic landscape. Absorption Rate: A Whopping 62% Palms is on fire! March 2024 witnessed an impressive absorption rate...