• calendar_month October 11, 2023
  • folder 90016

For Sale sign on house

The 90016 area, nestled in the heart of West Adams, is no stranger to the challenges of the real estate market. In September 2023, with an absorption rate of 15%, 39 active listings, and just 6 sold, prospective homebuyers and sellers in the area face a unique set of circumstances. As a seasoned Realtor with JohnHart Real Estate, I'm here to provide insight into both the current state of the market and why we find ourselves in the midst of a housing shortage.

Understanding Absorption Rate

An illustration explaining Absorption Rates

Before delving into the housing shortage issue, let's break down the absorption rate. This critical metric indicates how quickly the market absorbs or sells available homes. In our case, the absorption rate of 15% for September highlights that only 15% of the active listings found new owners that month. The median sales price of $999,000 might raise some eyebrows, but it underscores the demand for properties in this vibrant community. Homes here are hot commodities, and competition can be fierce.

The Housing Shortage Dilemma

Location symbol

So, why are we in the midst of a housing shortage? Several factors contribute to this challenge, and understanding them is key for both buyers and sellers:

1. High Demand: West Adams, with its historic charm, diverse culture, and proximity to downtown Los Angeles, has become a hotspot for homebuyers. The demand for homes in this area is outstripping the available supply.

2. Limited New Construction: In many desirable neighborhoods, including 90016, there's limited space for new construction. This lack of new housing developments further exacerbates the housing shortage.

3. Investment Opportunities: Investors often flock to areas with potential for appreciation. West Adams' rich history and ongoing revitalization make it an attractive investment option, further driving up demand.

4. Economic Factors: Low-interest rates and various economic factors make homeownership more appealing. This increased interest compounds the housing shortage issue.

5. Sustained Appreciation: Properties in West Adams tend to appreciate over time. As a result, homeowners are holding onto their properties longer, decreasing the number of homes available for sale.

Navigating the Market

A map thru town

In a tight housing market like 90016, navigating real estate transactions can be challenging. Buyers should be prepared to act swiftly, with pre-approvals in hand, and potentially consider making competitive offers above asking price.

For sellers, this market presents an opportunity to get maximum value for your property. However, it's crucial to work with a skilled Realtor who can help you make the most of this situation.

The Future of West Adams

As we move forward, it's essential to monitor market trends. While the housing shortage may persist for some time, being well-informed and working with experienced professionals can make all the difference.

In West Adams, the market is undoubtedly tight, but with the right guidance and strategy, you can find or sell your dream home. If you have any real estate questions or need assistance in this dynamic market, don't hesitate to reach out. I'm Nathan Derry, your local Realtor with JohnHart Real Estate, here to help you make the most of your real estate endeavors.

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Nathan Derry

Nathan Derry

JohnHart Real Estate

DRE - 02140158
Direct - 424.303.0440, Office - 818.246.1099

Contact Nathan Today!