Family moving into a house

As we step into September 2023, the real estate market in Mid City, 90019, paints a unique picture. An Absorption rate of 52%, 31 active listings, and 16 homes sold reflect the high demand in the area. Yet, this bustling market conceals an underlying challenge - a housing shortage that's leaving both buyers and sellers in a state of flux.

The Mid City Appeal

Backyard of a Spanish Colonial Home

Mid City is a vibrant neighborhood, known for its rich culture, diverse community, and an excellent central location in Los Angeles. These qualities make it a sought-after place to live. As a seasoned Realtor, I've seen a growing interest in this area for a few reasons:

  1. Central Location: Mid City's proximity to downtown Los Angeles, major freeways, and various amenities makes it convenient for residents to access work, entertainment, and daily necessities.

  2. Cultural Diversity: The neighborhood's cultural tapestry is one of its most remarkable features. People from all walks of life come together, contributing to a dynamic and welcoming atmosphere.

  3. Historic Charm: The area boasts historic architecture, with many charming homes, which attract those looking for character and uniqueness in their living spaces.

  4. Investment Opportunities: With all its appeal, Mid City has become an attractive investment for homeowners and real estate investors alike.

The Housing Shortage Challenge

Illustration explaining Absorption Rates.

The increased interest in Mid City has led to a housing shortage, intensifying the competition for available properties. The number of active listings falls short of the demand, resulting in multiple offers on homes and often, offers above asking prices. Here's why we're facing this shortage:

  1. Population Growth: As more people discover the perks of living in Mid City, the population has surged. This has created a higher demand for housing.

  2. Limited New Construction: The area's historic charm and density have limited opportunities for new construction, meaning there aren't many new homes coming onto the market.

  3. Low Inventory: Existing homeowners are hesitant to sell, partly due to the same factors that attract buyers – the excellent location, vibrant community, and charming homes. Many homeowners are holding onto their properties, leading to limited inventory.

  4. Rising Costs: Increasing construction costs have impacted developers and builders, making it difficult to create more affordable housing options.

What Does the Future Hold?

Absorption Rates by location

Navigating a housing shortage requires adaptability. Buyers need to be more prepared, act swiftly, and even be willing to make competitive offers. As a seasoned Realtor, I emphasize the importance of having your finances in order, staying informed, and working with an experienced agent who knows the Mid City market inside out.

For sellers, this can be a golden opportunity. The high demand means you're more likely to receive attractive offers, but it's crucial to be well-prepared and set a reasonable asking price.

In conclusion, the Mid City housing shortage might create challenges, but it also presents exciting opportunities. By understanding the dynamics of the market and working with a knowledgeable Realtor, both buyers and sellers can achieve their real estate goals. If you're considering a move in this dynamic area, don't hesitate to reach out. Let's work together to navigate this thriving yet competitive market in Mid City, 90019.

๐Ÿ“JohnHart Real Estate
๐Ÿ“ž(424) 303-0440

Nathan Derry

Nathan Derry

JohnHart Real Estate

DRE - 02140158
Direct - 424.303.0440, Office - 818.246.1099

Contact Nathan Today!