Celebrating Women's Equality Day

Women standing together

As a Realtor with JohnHart Real Estate, I firmly believe in the importance of equality and justice for all. Today, on Women's Equality Day, we commemorate a significant milestone in the journey towards a more inclusive society. This day marks the anniversary of the 19th Amendment, which granted women the right to vote in the United States.

However, Women's Equality Day is not just about acknowledging the past; it's about recognizing the ongoing struggle for gender equality in all aspects of life. From the workplace to the home, women continue to fight for their rights and opportunities. As a supporter of women's rights, I stand alongside those advocating for equal pay, equal representation, and the freedom to make choices about their own bodies.

🌟 Equal Pay for Equal Work🌟

Scale with man and woman standing on it


It's a basic principle that every individual should receive fair compensation for their skills and efforts, regardless of their gender. Closing the wage gap is not just a matter of economic justice but a step towards acknowledging the immense contributions women make to our society.

🌟 Empowering Working Women🌟

Women sitting at a conference table


Women's Equality Day also recognizes the achievements of women in various fields, including real estate. I'm proud to work in an industry where diversity is essential, and women play a pivotal role in shaping the landscape of homeownership.

🌟 Reproductive Rights🌟

​​​​​​​Protest sign / women rights


True equality encompasses the right to make choices about one's own body and reproductive health. Supporting reproductive rights means respecting the autonomy of every person and ensuring access to comprehensive healthcare.

As we celebrate Women's Equality Day, let's remember that our commitment to progress should extend beyond this day. It's about creating a world where gender does not limit opportunities, where everyone has the chance to thrive and succeed. By working together, we can continue to build a society where equality is not just a dream but a reality for all.

In my role as a Realtor, I am dedicated to promoting equality, diversity, and inclusion in the real estate industry and beyond. If you're looking to buy or sell a property, know that you have an ally who values fairness and is committed to serving your needs. Let's take a step forward towards a more equitable future. 

Nathan Derry

Nathan Derry

JohnHart Real Estate

DRE - 02140158
Direct - 424.303.0440, Office - 818.246.1099

Contact Nathan Today!