• calendar_month August 10, 2023
  • folder 90019

Navigating Mid City, 90019

Absorption Rate Insights and the Vital Role of Earthquake Insurance

Skyline of Los Angeles

Hey there, fellow real estate enthusiasts! Nathan here, your trusted guide from JohnHart Real Estate. Today, we're diving into the dynamic world of Mid City, 90019, where the numbers tell a captivating story of market trends and investment wisdom. Buckle up as we explore the absorption rate, median sold price, and uncover a crucial layer of protection—earthquake insurance.

🏙️ Unveiling the Absorption Rate

A lady studying graphics on a computer

In the heart of Mid City, 90019, the real estate market has been buzzing with activity. With an absorption rate of 16%, a total of 40 active listings and 8 successful transactions reflect a bustling landscape of opportunities. As seasoned buyers and sellers, you know that an absorption rate of 16% implies a balanced market, fostering a harmonious blend of supply and demand.

💰 The Median Sold Price

Gentlemen holding keys to his new home

Numbers can often paint the most vivid picture, and Mid City's median sold price of $1,520,000 tells a compelling tale of value and potential. This median value isn't just a statistic; it's a reflection of dreams realized, investments secured, and futures built.

⏱️ Patience and Promise: 79 Average Days on the Market

A couple sitting on couch looking at ipad

A pivotal detail for both sellers and buyers to consider is the average days on the market—79 days in this case. These days are a reminder that real estate is a journey, and patience is key. Behind those days lies a promise of discovery, negotiation, and finally, the moment you step into your new chapter.

🏠Safeguarding Your Investment with Earthquake Insurance

Image of devastation from an earthquake

Mid City, like much of Los Angeles, sits on the Pacific Ring of Fire—a region notorious for seismic activity. This is where earthquake insurance shines as a beacon of protection. Imagine securing your dream home, only to face unforeseen seismic challenges. Earthquake insurance stands as a safeguard, helping you rebuild and recover in the face of natural adversity.

In a city where dreams are forged and futures are woven, Mid City, 90019, beckons with its opportunities and vibrant community. As you traverse the real estate landscape, remember to be well-informed, patient, and prepared for the unexpected. And when it comes to safeguarding your investment, earthquake insurance stands as a crucial shield—ensuring your dreams remain steadfast even in the face of nature's power.

Ready to embark on your Mid City journey? Reach out to me at JohnHart Real Estate, and together, let's navigate this captivating world of possibilities.


Until next time,

Nathan Derry / Realtor

JohnHart Real Estate

Nathan Derry

Nathan Derry

JohnHart Real Estate

DRE - 02140158
Direct - 424.303.0440, Office - 818.246.1099

Contact Nathan Today!